1st Semester
Course Code and Name: | HEM119 Nursing Principles 1 (Prerequisite) |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 4 Hours / Week – Practice 4 / Week – Credit (Classical): 6 / ECTS; ECTS: 9) (Prerequisite) |
Course Content: | Historical Overview of Nursing, Basic Concepts, Homeostasis, Life Process, Self Concept, Nursing Process, Hot and Cold Applications, Wound Healing Process, Pressure Ulcer (Wound), Wound Care, Vital Signs, Respiration, Blood Pressure, Pulse, Individual Hygiene Requirement, Drug Applications, Respiratory Requirement, Nutritional Requirement, Evaluation of Urinary Excretion, Maintenance of Fluid, Electrolyte Balance, Initiation and Monitoring of Blood Products and Blood Transfusion, Blood Sample Collection, IV Set Preparation, Flow Rate Calculation, Peripheral IV Catheters |
Course Code and Name: | HEM113 Anatomy I |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Practice 1 / Week – Credit (Classical): 3 / ECTS; ECTS: 4) |
Course Content: | Movement System, Circulatory System, Lymphatic System |
Course Code and Name: | HEM103 Physiology I |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Practice 1 / Week – Credit (Classical): 3 / ECTS; AKTS: 3) |
Course Content: | Introduction to Physiology, Homeostasis, Cell physiology, Muscle physiology, Blood physiology, Respiratory physiology, Respiratory physiology, Circulatory system |
Course Code and Name: | HEM121 Interpersonal Relationships |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 2) |
Course Content: | Human and Communication, Interpersonal Relationships and Culture Communication, Communication Techniques, Health and Therapeutic Communication, Corporate Relations and Team Communication, Asertivity and Aggression Management, Self-Recognition, Methods that Prevent Communication, Communication with Patients in Stressful Situations |
Course Code and Name: | HEM115 Basic Biochemistry |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 2) |
Course Content: | Biyokimyaya Giriş, Asitler ve Bazlar, Karbonhidratlar, Enzimler, Lipidler |
Course Code and Name: | HEM111 Histology |
Credit / ECTS: | 2/2 |
Course Content: | Introduction to histology, Histological preparation stages, Blocking, sectioning, staining, Microscope types and microscope methods commonly used in histology, Cell, Epithelial tissue, Connective tissue, Bone tissue, Muscle tissue, Nervous tissue |
Course Code and Name: | HEM122 Pathology |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 2) |
Course Content: | Basic mechanisms in cell injuries, Morphological changes in the cell/tissue as a result of injuries, Changes in the cell due to environmental changes, Basic properties of inflammation and reperative response, Types of acute and chronic inflammation, Cells involved in inflammation and their basic properties, General pathological features of infectious diseases, Disease-causing properties of microorganisms, Resistance and defence mechanisms against infectious diseases, Effects of bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic infections at tissue or cell level, Fluid electrolyte balance disorders in the body, basic mechanisms of pathological conditions caused by fluid electrolyte balance disorders, Neoplasia, nomenclature of tumours, Bening-malignant tumour meaning and distinctive features between them, precancerous conditions such as dysplasia-carcinoma in situ and their basic properties, Factors involved in tumour etiology, basic principles of heredity-tumour relationship, Carbohydrate, lipid, protein, pigment, calcium metabolism disorders names and basic properties, their effects at cell tissue level |
Course Code and Name: | AİİT101 Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution 1 |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 2) |
Course Content: | Ataturk’s Principles and History of Revolution and the aim of the course and the concept of revolution, the Ottoman State Reasons for Regression, Reform Movements, Tanzimat and Reform Edicts, I. and II. Constitutional Monarchy, Tripoli, Balkan and World War I, Preparation for the National Struggle, Mustafa Kemal’s Activities in Istanbul, Mustafa Kemal’s Activities in Anatolia, Congresses, Last Opening of the Ottoman Mebusan Assembly and its activities, the opening of T.B.M.M, Developments after the Armistice, Lausanne Peace Treaty, its importance and results. |
Course Code and Name: | TÜR101 Turkish Language and Literature I |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 2) |
Course Content: | The content of the Turkish language course and the introduction of resources related to the course, Speech, written language and literary Introduction of language. Comparison of dialect, dialect and dialect concepts, Writing rules, Writing rules, Turkish vocabulary, Paragraph, Official correspondence, Expression disorders |
Course Code and Name: | İNG111 English I |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Practice 12 / Week – Credit (Classical): 4 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: | Active Grammar-Unit 2: Be Face2face-Unit 1: Numbers 0-20; the alphabet, Active GrammarUnit 2: Be Face2face-Unit 1: Countries and nationalities, Active Grammar-Unit 52: Adjectives, Unit 3: Have/ Have got Face2face-Unit 2: adjectives (1), Active Grammar-Unit 52: Adjectives, Unit 3: Have/ Have got Face2face-Unit 2: adjectives (1), Active GrammarUnit 3: Present Simple 1, Active Grammar-Unit 3: Present Simple 1: Statements, Unit 4: Present Simple 2: negatives and questions Face2face-Unit 3: Daily routines, Active GrammarUnit 40: Countable and Uncountable Nouns. Face2face-Unit 4: Free time activities(2): Present simple (3): positive and negative(he/she/it), things you like and don’t like; verb+ ing: Present Simple (4): questions and short answers (he/she/it), food and drink |
2st Semester
Course Code and Name: | HEM120 Nursing Principles 2 (Prerequisite) |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 0 Hours / Week – Practice 16 / Week – Credit (Classical): 10 / ECTS; AKTS: 12) |
Course Content: | Gastroentology Service Internship Practice, Haematology service internship practice, Nephrology service internship practice, Chest diseases service internship practice, Cardiology service internship practice, General Surgery service internship practice, Brain surgery service internship practice, ENT Service Internship practice, Eye service Internship practice, Neurology service Internship practice, Urology service Internship practice, Endocrinology service Internship practice, Emergency service internship, Intensive care internship. |
Course Code and Name: | HEM114 Anatomy II |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Practice 1 / Week – Credit (Classical): 3 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: | Respiratory System, Digestive System, Urogenital System, Nervous System, Endocrine System, Gastrointestinal System, Chromaffin System |
Course Code and Name: | HEM104 Physiology II |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Practice 1 / Week – Credit (Classical): 3 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: | Circulatory system, Excretory system, Digestive system, Endocrine system, Nervous system Physiology |
Course Code and Name: | HEM106 General Microbiology |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Practice 1 / Week – Credit (Classical): 3 / ECTS; AKTS: 3) |
Introduction to Microbiology, Bacterial Metabolism, Sterilisation and disinfection, Staphylococcus, Streptococci, Pneumococci and Neisserria, Mycobacteria, Aerobic and Anaerobic Gram Positive Bacilli, Gram Negative Enteritis Bacteria, Mycoplasma, Rickettsia and Chlamydia, Protozoa and General Characteristics of Helminths, application. |
Course Code and Name: | HEM116 Clinical Biochemistry |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 2) |
Course Content: | Proteins, Vitamins, Hormones, Trace Elements. |
Course Code and Name: | AİİT102 Atatürk’s Principles and History of Turkish Revolution II |
Credit / ECTS: | 2/2 |
Course Content: | Features in the execution of the Turkish Revolution, Establishment of the Legal System, Education Establishment of the System The situation of the country in the face of the occupations and the salvation remedies considered, Efforts made in the field of economy and finance, and other efforts to regulate social life Innovations, Domestic Politics of the Republic of Turkey in Atatürk’s Period, Atatürk’s Period After the Republic of Turkey’s Domestic and Foreign Policy, (1938-1983 Summary), Atatürk’s Principles General As, Republicanism, Atatürk’s Principles, Nationalism (Nationalism). |
Course Code and Name: | TUR102 Turkish Language and Literature II |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 2) |
Course Content: | Composition knowledge, Types of written expression, Types of oral expression, Language and culture and literature introducing periodicals, books and encyclopaedias about, information in electronic environment reaching, listening and speaking. Definition and scope of speech. Beautiful effective speech principles Speaking in front of the community. |
Course Code and Name: | İNG112 English II |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Practice 2 / Week – Credit (Classical): 4 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: | Active Grammar-Unit 41: Plural Nouns Unit 51: There and It Face2face-Unit 7: Places in a town, rooms and things in a house, Active Grammar-Unit 41: Plural Nouns Unit 51: There and It Face2face-Unit 7: Places in a town, rooms and things in a house, shops; Active Grammar-Unit 5: Present Continuous Unit 6: Present Simple and Present Continuous Face2face-Unit 8: work, types of transport, Active Grammar-Unit 38 Verb+-ing or verb+toinfinitve, Active Grammar-Unit 38 Verb+-ing or verb+to-infinitve, Active Grammar-Unit 23:Should, ought to Unit 7: Imperatives Face2face-Unit 10: verb phrases, Active GrammarUnit 23:Should, ought to Unit 7: Imperatives Face2face-Unit 10: verb phrases; frequency expressions, appearance; character, health problems; treatment, seasons; weather, Active Grammar-Unit 19: be going to Face2face- Unit 11: New Year’s resolutions, studying, collocations, be going to (1): positive, negative and Wh- questions, Active Grammar-Unit 55: Superlatives Unit 12-13-14: Present Perfect 1,2,3 Face2face- Unit 12, Active Grammar-Unit 55: Superlative Unit |
3rd Semester
Course Code and Name: | HEM211 Internal Medicine Nursing |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 6 Hours / Week – Practice 8 / Week – Credit (Classical): 10 / ECTS; AKTS: 12) |
Course Content: | Development of nursing in the world and in Turkey, Basic concepts in Internal Medicine Nursing; Fluid-electrolyte and Acid-base balance and imbalances; Care and isolation in infectious diseases; Shock and nursing care; Blood Diseases and Nursing Care; Gastrointestinal System Diseases and Nursing Care; Respiratory System Diseases and Nursing Care; Cardiovascular System Diseases and Nursing Care; Joint and Connective Tissue Diseases and Nursing Care; Endocrine System Diseases and Nursing Care; Urinary System Diseases and Nursing Care; Nervous System Diseases and Nursing Care; Cancer and Nursing Care |
Course Code and Name: | HEM213 Pharmacology Special to Nursing |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 3) |
Course Content: | Basic Concepts in Pharmacology and Toxicology, Safe Drug Application, Drug Role and Responsibilities of the Nurse in Applications, Autonomic Nervous System Pharmacology, Cardiovascular System Pharmacology, Central Nervous System Pharmacology, Pain Therapy, Respiratory System Pharmacology, Endocrine System Pharmacology, Chemotherapeutic Drugs, Parenteral Drug and Fluid Administration in Intensive Care |
Course Code and Name: | ENG211 English III |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Practice 2 / Week – Credit (Classical): 4 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: | Face2face-Unit 1: Grammar: Review of verb forms and questions. Speaking, Talking about myself, Past Simple, Past Continuous. Speaking, Past Simple Past Continuous, Have to/had to. Speaking, Modals of obligation, Present perfect. Speaking, Present perfect. Speaking, Will for prediction; might, be going to. Speaking, Will and going to, Will for prediction; might, be going to. Speaking,Comparative, Superlative. Speaking |
Course Code and Name: | Alan Seçmeli |
Credit / ECTS: | Teorik 2 Saat / Hafta – Kredisi (Klâsik): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: | Field Elective |
Course Code and Name: | Field Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: |
Course Code and Name: | Free Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 3) |
Course Content: |
4rd Semester
Course Code and Name: | HEM212 Surgical Diseases Nursing |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 6 Hours / Week – Practice 8 / Week – Credit (Classical): 10 / ECTS; AKTS: 12) |
Course Content: | Introduction to Surgical Nursing, Basic Concepts in Surgical Nursing, Surgical stress and organism’s response to stress, Wound healing and care in surgical wounds, Shock and Nursing Care in Surgery, Asepsis, antisepsis, hospital infections and control, Perioperative Nursing, Pain and Nursing Care, Eye, ENT Surgery and Nursing Care, Respiratory System Surgery and Nursing Care, Cardiovascular Surgery and Nursing Care, Mechanical Ventilation and Nursing Care, Digestive System Surgery and Nursing Care, Urinary System Surgery and Nursing Care, Cancer Surgery and Nursing Care Care, Endocrine System Surgery and Nursing Care, Musculoskeletal System Surgery and Nursing Care, Nervous System Surgery and Nursing Care |
Course Code and Name: | HEM214 Nutrition |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 3) |
Course Content: | Introduction to Nutrition, Health and Nutrition Relationship, Proteins, Carbohydrates, Fats, Vitamins, Water and Minerals, Energy Requirement and Energy Imbalance Problems (Weakness, Obesity), Major Food Groups, Nutrition in Special Groups, Nutrition Problems and Dimensions in Turkey (Discussion). |
Course Code and Name: | ENG212 English IV |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Practice 2 / Week – Credit (Classical): 4 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: | Present Continuous for future arrangements, Quantifiers, possessive pronouns. Speaking, Present perfect with for and since, should, shouldn’t, must, musn’t. Speaking, Future time Clauses. Speaking, Present Simple, Past Simple Passive/ Used to. Speaking, Present Perfect for giving news, relative clauses with who, which, that and where, Reported Speech and Second Conditional |
Course Code and Name: | Field Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: |
Course Code and Name: | Field Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: |
Course Code and Name: | Free Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: |
5th Semester
Course Code and Name: | HEM331 Gynaecology and Obstetrics Nursing |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 6 Hours / Week – Practice 8 / Week – Credit (Classical): 10 / ECTS; AKTS: 12) |
Course Content: | Importance of Women’s Health and Nursing, Social and Cultural Affecting Women’s Health Factors, Reproductive Health Problems and Reproductive Health Policies in the World and Turkey, Anatomy and Physiology of Reproductive Organs, Safe Motherhood, Prenatal Period, Genetic Counselling and Nursing, Embryonal Development Physiological, Psychological Changes in Pregnancy and Nursing Care, Evaluation of Fetal Health in Pregnancy, Early Risky Pregnancies, Late Period Risky Pregnancies, Labour and Nursing Care, Postpartum Period and Nursing Care, Family Planning and Infertility, Diagnosis and Treatment Methods in Gynaecology, Menopause and Nursing Care, Genital Road Infections and Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Reproductive Organs Structure, Function Disorders and Nursing Care, Reproductive Organs Cancers and Nursing Care |
Course Code and Name: | HEM303 Education in Nursing |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 3) |
Course Content: | The educator role of nursing in health services, Basic concepts of education and training, Learning areas, Learning theories, Multiple intelligence theories in education and training, Pedagogical and andragological approach in education, Adult education, Programme development in education, Using communication techniques in education, Basic factors affecting learning, Creating a suitable environment for learning, Tools and equipment used in education and their importance, Health education, In-service training, Using effective presentation techniques, Ethics in education and training, Education, Teaching methods and techniques / Practice |
Course Code and Name: | HEM309 First Aid and Emergency Nursing |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 3) |
Course Content: | Importance and History of First Aid, Evaluation of the Individual, Emergency Care History, Management and Legal Aspects, Determination of Priorities in Emergency Care and Importance of Paediatric Triage, Physical Diagnosis of Emergency Patient, Forensic Case Evaluation and Forensic Nursing in Emergency Service, Disaster Situations and Causes in Society, Emerging Problems, Basic and Advanced Life Support, First Aid and Emergency Care in Bleeding and Shock, First Aid and Emergency Care in Injuries and Trauma, First Aid and Emergency Care in Fractures, Dislocations and Sprains, First Aid and Emergency Care in Poisoning and Insect Stings and Animal Bites, First Aid and Emergency Care in Burns, Heat and Cold Exposure, First Aid and Emergency Care, Burn Wound Care, Dressings and Dressings, Patient / Injured Transport Techniques, Care in Neurological, Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Emergencies, Care in Metabolic, Gastrointestinal and Environmental Emergencies, Paediatric Medical Emergencies, Paediatric Surgical Emergencies. |
Course Code and Name: | HEM307 Vocational English I |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Practice 2 / Week – Credit (Classical): 3 / ECTS; AKTS: 4) |
Course Content: | – |
Course Code and Name: | Field Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 3) |
Course Content: |
Course Code and Name: | Field Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | 2/3 |
Course Content: |
Course Code and Name: | Free Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 3) |
Course Content: |
6th Semester
Course Code and Name: | HEM332 Child Health and Diseases Nursing |
Credit / ECTS: | 10/12 |
Course Content: | Child Concept and Status of Children in the World and in Our Country, Child Nursing and Family-Centred Care, Child-Family-Nurse and Communication Pediatric Nursing Process, Drug Applications and Drug Dose Calculations in Children, Infant and Child Health Monitoring, Internal Problems of Newborn and Nursing Care, Nutritional Disorders in Children and Nursing Care, Fluid Electrolyte Balance Diarrhoea and Nursing Care in Children, Importance of Vaccination and Nursing Care in Children, Infectious Diseases and Nursing Care in Children, Respiratory System Diseases and Nursing Care in Children, Digestive System Diseases and Nursing Care in Children, Heart Diseases and Nursing Care in Children, Urinary System Diseases and Nursing Care in Children Care, Musculoskeletal System Diseases and Nursing Care in Children, Neurological Diseases and Nursing Care in Children, Hemotological System Diseases and Nursing Care in Children, Oncological Diseases and Nursing Care in Children, Endocrine Diseases and Nursing Care in Children, Skin Diseases and Nursing Care in Children, Accidents, Poisoning and Burns in Children, Newborn Surgical Problems and Nursing Care, Common Surgical Problems and Nursing Care in Children |
Course Code and Name: | HEM306 Research Methods and Biostatistics |
Credit / ECTS: | 2/2 |
Course Content: | Definition and historical development of epidemiology, Epidemiological data sources and health criteria, Epidemiological research methods, Reporting and Survey in research Preparation, epidemiology of infectious diseases, epidemiology of chronic diseases, Epidemiology of non-infectious diseases, SPSS application. |
Course Code and Name: | HEM304 Management in Nursing |
Credit / ECTS: | 2/3 |
Course Content: | General Health System, Health Policies and Related Legal Regulations, Management and Organisation of Health and Nursing Services, Concepts Related to Management and Management Process, Planning of Nurse Manpower and Assignment Systems, Team Building and Motivation, Performance Evaluation and Development of Nursing Staff, Management Ethics. |
Course Code and Name: | HEM308 Vocational English II |
Credit / ECTS: | 3/4 |
Course Content: | – |
Course Code and Name: | Field Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | 2/3 |
Course Content: |
Course Code and Name: | Field Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | 2/3 |
Course Content: |
Course Code and Name: | Free Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | 2/3 |
Course Content: |
7th Semester
Course Code and Name: | HEM403 Public Health Nursing |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 6 Hours / Week – Practice 8 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 10 / ECTS; AKTS: 12) |
Course Content: | Historical development of public health, Health services, Health organisation in Turkey and the world, health transformation, Community recognition, Health and Demography, Historical development of public health nursing, definition, roles, Definition of family, family health, Home visits, Early diagnosis and screening tests, Health promotion (healthy eating, exercise) and health education, Mother-child health, women’s health, men’s health, reproductive health and health criteria, Chronic diseases epidemiology, School and adolescent health nursing, Occupational and labour health nursing, Environmental health, Geriatrics and home-institutional elderly care, Infectious disease control and immunisation services, Community mental health and preventive mental health services, Health management, health economics |
Course Code and Name: | HEM405 Mental Health and Psychiatry Nursing |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 6 Hours / Week – Practice 8 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 10 / ECTS; AKTS: 12) |
Course Content: | Meeting, Sharing seminar topics Historical and Current Overview of Mental Health and Diseases Nursing, Diagnosis and Classification in Mental Disorders, Observation, Interview and Record Keeping in Psychiatric Nursing, Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders, Affective Disorders, Childhood Mental Problems, Responsibilities of the Nurse in Patient Admission and Discharge in Psychiatry, Treatments in Psychiatry Seminar Presentation Psychiatric Nursing in Laws |
Course Code and Name: | Field Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week- Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 3) |
Course Content: |
Course Code and Name: | Free Elective |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week- Credit (Classical): 2 / ECTS; AKTS: 3) |
Course Content: |
8th Semester
Course Code and Name: | HAEM 406 INTERN EDUCATION |
Credit / ECTS: | Application 32 Hours / Week- Credit (Classical): 16 / ECTS; AKTS: 20) |
Course Content: | It consists of hospital and field practices. Students practice in at least one surgical, one internal service, emergency service, and also participate in field practices determined by the Nursing Department. Internship practice is carried out in the form of rotation. |
Course Code and Name: | HAEM 408 COMPLETION PROJECT |
Credit / ECTS: | Theoretical 2 Hours / Week – Practice 2 Hours / Week – Credit (Classical): 3 / ECTS; AKTS: 10) |
Course Content: | Giving projects including nursing subjects, determining the appropriate methods and equipment for the projects by the students, making preliminary studies and starting the projects. Students perform the stages of writing a project report, applying statistical methods and presenting the project in writing and orally in front of the commission. |